Thursday, August 30, 2012


So I'm in France now! Weird.
This will be brief because I don't think I've ever been more tired in my life, but I wanted to update everyone. After my 27 hours straight of travelling (Boston to Iceland, Iceland to Paris, TGV to Nantes, car ride to Bois de Cené), I met the Badaud family and got shown around their house and expansive yard. Such a yard could not possibly exist in the Silicon Valley, where acreage half that size is commonly a million dollars. Anyway. They have lots of chickens, ducks, birds, a cat, fish, a pond, and a swimming pool. I then was shown around the family furniture store, where I met lots of family members whose names I will not remember. Then we all had dinner together, along with my host sister's best friend, who talks too fast for me to understand. (The Badauds clearly understand what it's like and speak slowly and clearly, to my relief.)

That's all for today. I really like this family and they seem practical and smart, like our brains can work on the same wavelength. I am exhausted and grumpy from travelling, surstimulée from all the French and different things like backward lightswitches, weird toilets, and cheese for dessert, but I have really high hopes right now for how this year will go. I think the Badauds and I will do just fine. :)


  1. DUDE. Bitte schickst mir deine Handynummer. Bist du am Skype? LG, Tante/Schwester Cheryl

    1. DUDE! Je n'ai pas encore de portable. Je te dirai quand je l'aurai. Oui je suis sur skype, c'est jenna.mennen. Tu me manques! Love, Jenna
